Managing Categories and Groups in VALD Hub

About categories and groups

Categories and Groups provide users with the ability to segment profiles in VALD Hub to increase filtering and reporting capabilities. 

Categories and groups can also be used to manage user permissions. 

Here are some examples of how categories and groups can be used: 

Profiles (athletes/clients) can be assigned to multiple groups. For example, a male athlete may be in the following groups: Division 1 and Injured. 

Profiles (athletes/clients) can also be assigned to multiple groups within the same category. For example, a Track and Field athlete may be in following groups: 100m and 200m.

Users can also be assigned access to specific categories and groups only. Therefore you might create categories and groups to manage user permissions. For example, an Injured group might be created to grant a health practitioner access to injured profiles only. 

Create categories and groups 

To create a category: 
  1. Log in to VALD Hub 
  2. Go to Management 
  3. Select Categories 
  4. Click + Create Category 
  5. Enter a category name 
  6. Click Save 
To create a group: 
  1. Log in to VALD Hub 
  2. Go to Management 
  3. Select Groups 
  4. Click + Create Group 
  5. Enter a group name 
  6. Select a category for the group 
  7. Click Save 

Managing categories and groups 

To edit a category or group: 
  1. Log in to VALD Hub
  2. Go to Management 
  3. Select Categories or Groups 
  4. Navigate to a Category or Group 
  5. Click more options [ ] menu 
  6. Select:
    1. View to Change Name
    2. Move to change a Group to a different Category
    3. Delete to Delete the Category or Group