Weighing Profiles in ForceDecks iOS App

An accurate body weight is critical to ensure high-quality, reliable data for many of the metrics in ForceDecks tests.

When running a ForceDecks test, it is important for the individual being tested to remain as still as possible for 2-3 seconds during the following:
  • Weighing period;
  • Before each test; and 
  • Between each rep.
Note: Talking, looking around and even chewing gum can cause weight fluctuations, leading to an incorrect bodyweight.
When using the ForceDecks iOS App, the following options determine how an individual’s body weight is recorded for the test:
  • Weighing – ForceDecks iOS App will automatically determine an individual’s weight from the ‘steady’ period before the first movement/jump.  
  • Skip Weigh – ForceDecks iOS App will automatically determine an individual’s weight from the steady period before each test and between each rep

To ensure the weight recorded for a test is as accurate as possible, it is strongly recommended that a body weight be taken before recording a test, using the weighing option.

Users can further increase the weighing accuracy by adjusting weight detector thresholds and tolerances in the Weighing Settings.