Landmarks and Phases of a Countermovement Jump

The key landmarks of a Countermovement Jump are:

Landmark Description
Start of Movement Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded.
Start of Braking Phase Minimum force until end of eccentric phase.
Start of Deceleration Phase Peak eccentric velocity until end of eccentric phase.
Start of Concentric Phase Zero Velocity until take-off.
Start of Max. RFD Point of steepest concentric force*.
End of Max. RFD Peak take off force*.
Peak Take-off Force Highest force value obtained during the jump (eccentric/concentric phase).
Take-off Point where force is below 30N.
Landing Point where force rises above 30N.
Peak Landing Force Highest force obtained during landing phase.

The key phases of a Countermovement Jump are:

Phase Description
Weighing Phase Steady phase for weight to be recorded.
Eccentric Phase Phase containing negative velocity.
Braking Phase Sub-phase within eccentric phase: minimum force until end of eccentric phase.
Deceleration Phase Sub-phase within eccentric phase: peak eccentric velocity until end of eccentric phase.
Concentric Phase Zero velocity until take-off.
Flight Phase From take-off until landing.
Landing Phase Point where force rises above 30N, then eventually returns to bodyweight.