ForceDecks (V.2) Assembly

When you receive your ForceDecks (V.2) system, some assembly will be required.

What's in the box?


Surface It is important that the floor or surface where the platform is mounted should be as rigid as possible to minimise any vibrations.  The following are examples of unsuitable surfaces:
  • Sprung floors  
  • Locations where rebounding vibrations or “ringing” may be common (e.g. on the wooden section of some Olympic lifting platforms) 
Characteristics of a suitable surface include:
  • A rigid surface material (e.g. concrete)
  • A flat surface (it is recommended to use a spirit level to determine flatness)

To test the flatness of your surface, step on each corner of the platform to ensure there is no movement or rocking.

Spacing Leave a small gap between the left and right plate to minimise cross-interference (which can be caused by the plates touching) and a small gap between the outside edge of the safety frame. 

Interplate Cable The orientation of the Interplate Cable determines the default Left Plate and Right Plate in the ForceDecks software. 

It is advised to follow the below instructions to prevent having to adjust left and right plate settings in the ForceDecks software. 

Putting it all together...

Ensure you have at least a 1m (3ft) radius of clear space around the ForceDecks. 

Place the ForceDecks Plates next to each other.  
Plug the Interplate Cable into the ForceDecks Plates as follows:

  • Plug cable into Plate Out port on the Left Plate 
  • Plug cable into Plate In port on the Right Plate 

Plug the small end of the USB Cable into the Left Plate
Plug the large end of the USB cable into USB port of your computer

Push the power button on the Primary Plate - this will automatically power the Secondary Plate
Now your plates are on, and you're all set up! 

To confirm your plates are configured correctly refer to the ForceDecks (V.2) Plate Configuration Guide.