Install ForceDecks Software

The ForceDecks software suite contains the following Windows applications that can be downloaded from VALD Hub:

  • ForceDecks – Main testing and analysis application.
  • ForceDecks Jump – Rapid testing application.
  • ForceDecks LeaderBoard – Performance feedback application to promote competition and buy-in among team members.

To install your ForceDecks software:

  1. Log in to VALD Hub
  2. Go to the drop-down menu
  3. Select Download Apps
  4. Go to ForceDecks tile
  5. Click on Get it for Windows
  6. Open the download file
  7. Click on More Info
  8. Click on Run Anyway
  9. Follow the setup prompt - This will install the three Windows applications (ForceDecks, ForceDecks Jump, ForceDecks LeaderBoard).

Next Step: Activate your ForceDecks Software.