SmartSpeed FAQs

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Battery Questions

Connection Questions

Battery Questions

  • Why won't my SmartSpeed Pro (V2.1) timing unit turn on?
You may need to recharge your battery. When the battery in the timing unit is critically low, it will automatically turn off, in order to protect the battery.
The timing unit may not have been plugged in to the charger correctly, or the timing unit has been left on during a charging cycle. Try recharging your battery
If your timing unit does not turn on after an attempt to recharge the battery, please contact
  • Why are my timing units not responding?

If your timing unit turns on but is not responding, the unit may have a flat battery. Try recharging your battery

If your timing unit is still unresponsive even after charging, check that the units are on the right channel. 

  • How can I check the battery level on my timing units?

You can check your battery level in the SmartSpeed app .

Set up your timing gates, open the app and scan your units into the app. 

When the units appear in the app, you will be able to see the battery level for each unit. 

  • How can I test the batteries on my SmartSpeed Pro timing units?
The SmartSpeed Pro system includes a battery test feature for the timing units.
To run a battery test on your SmartSpeed Pro:
  1. Fully charge your timing units and SmartHub
  2. Log into the SmartSpeed app
  3. Turn on SmartHub and all timing units
  4. Align all timing units with reflectors
  5. On the SmartSpeed app, go to Options > SmartHub Tools > Battery Test > Scan
  6. Make sure all timing units have scanned in, then press Start
This will perform the default battery test (1hr 45min) on all timing units that scanned in. Do not touch the timing units during this time.
Please note: The timing units will flash repeatedly over the entire period of the test. 
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Connection Questions

  • Why won't my SmartHub scan or detect all my timing units?
Once you have confirmed all your timing units are turned on, you should check that all your timing units are on the same channel as your SmartHub.
To check the channels of your timing units:
  1. Click Options menu in the SmartSpeed app.
  2. Select SmartHub Tools.
  3. Select System Setup
  4. Click Search - The SmartHub details are displayed at the top of the screen, and once search is complete the details for each scanned timing unit will display under Scanned Units.

To change the channels on your timing units:

  1. Complete the above steps
  2. Click Set - The SmartHub will update your timing units to the same channel as your SmartHub.
  • How do I confirm that my timing units are on the SmartHub channel?

To confirm timing units are on the same channel as a SmartHub:

  • 1.     Turn on all timing units and align with a reflector to avoid beeping.
  • 2.     Press the Flash button on SmartHub.

If the timing units do not light up, the timing units may be on a different channel to the SmartHub.

To set all timing units on the same channel as a SmartHub:

  • 1.     There is a cursor on the SmartHub LCD display (small black square). Note where the cursor is by pressing Scroll.
  • 2.     Scroll SmartHub cursor to RF Channel
  • 3.     Press Enter
  • 4.     Scroll to select a channel
  • 5.     Press Enter to confirm your channel selection (e.g. 0x0D)

SmartHub will display ‘ Configuring RF Parameter – Please Wait’ message. Once this message disappears, your selected channel will be displayed, and your timing units should be on the same channel as SmartHub.

  • What should I do if I'm unable to connect Bluetooth?

It is important the SmartHub, or Dash command unit is close to the user’s mobile device as the Bluetooth range is between 10-20m.

The Bluetooth module (Panasonic PAN1026) used in the SmartHub, and Dash timing units have a limit of 16 mobile devices they can pair with. When the paired list is full, users will need to unpair devices

To unpair all devices from SmartHub:

  1. Press and hold the Bluetooth button + Press and hold the Flash button
  2. Wait for 3 seconds.
  3. The SmartHub will emit 3 beeps when the paired list is cleared.

To unpair all devices from a Dash timing unit:

  1. Ensure the timing unit is turned off.
  2. Press and hold the Channel button + Press and hold the ID button.
  3. Turn on the timing unit.             
  • Why is my Bluetooth disconnecting during testing? 

The Bluetooth connection can disconnect if:

  1. Your mobile device moves out of range of the command unit or SmartHub, or
  2. Your mobile device is inactive and ends the Bluetooth connection.
  • Why aren't my timing units detected by the Dash command unit?

SmartSpeed Dash timing units need to be on the same channel as the command timing unit to be automatically scanned in. 

The channel can be changed manually on the timing units. 

  • Why is my SmartJump not connecting?
Check that your SmartJump is connected to port 'A' (left port).
Try removing the cable and reconnecting into port 'A' (left port) ensuring that you have a firm connection.
  • Why is my SmartScan RFID not being recognised in SmartHub?
Check that your SmartScan is connected to port 'B' (right port).
Try removing the cable and reconnecting into port 'B' (right port) ensuring that you have a firm connection. 
  • How can I reset my SmartHub?
If you need to perform a hard reset of your SmartHub:
  1. Press and hold the power button for 10 seconds, until the power LED turns solid green.
  2. Once green, release the power button. 
  3. The SmartHub will reset and can then be reconnected.