VALD Hub - Most Recent View for Profile Data
New features added to:
- Profiles page
- Individual profile pages
A most recent view has been added to the Profiles page in VALD Hub and within individual profile pages.
Users can now view data in order of most recent testing date or view a breakdown of data for an individual by test.
Key metrics can also be selected to view a longitudinal chart of the most recent tests for an individual.
Profiles page – most recent view
- Addition of most recent view on the Profiles page. Toggle the list of profiles to most recent view in grid or list format.
- Sort list of profiles in alphabetical order or in order of most recent test date.
- Quickly view most recent test data on an individual profile tile:
- Hover over latest test date to view most recent performed tests
- Select Chart icon to chart of all tests performed on the last testing date
- Select Telehab icon to navigate to Telehab. User may need to create a Telehab profile for the individual profile if one does not already exist.
Individual profile page – most recent tab
- Addition of Most recent tab on an individual’s profile page.
- Change test data view by selecting view drop down:
- Date – Data displayed in order of most recent testing date
- Test – Data grouped by test
- Filter data by individual or multiple test types.
Compare data
- Select Compare against and Time period to show a comparison against individual test data.
- Choose for comparative test data to be displayed as an average or maximum test score
- Compare against the individual profiles’ most recent test data or against a group or category's previous test data
- Select Time period to set the time period for comparison data
- ‘Previous test’ will compare data from the preceding test to the most recent test
- 3, 6 and 12 month time period will compare against data for the selected time period
- Select ‘Custom’ time period and use the slider tool to select a time period to compare test data
Customise metrics
- Test data is automatically populated with key default metrics tiles
- Edit, add, change and set your metric tiles in By Test View
- Add a metric to customise your view of key data by selecting Add metric
- Remove a metric that has been added to key metrics by selecting Delete
- Edit default metrics by selecting the Edit icon to select a different key metric
- The first metric displayed under a test in By Test view will be the key metric that is displayed for that test in By Date view.
Customise view
- Choose to view data tiles in Expanded or Compressed view
- In Compressed view, quickly visualise a summary overview of data to assess positive or negative results in most recent test data
Chart view
- Select an individual test, multiple tests or key metrics to view in chart form.
- Select the data you would like to view in chart form and select View Test Chart in the top left hand corner of the screen
- Once in chart view, toggle between tabs at the top of the screen to view different selected tests.
- Scroll down to view charts displaying a longitudinal view of data for key metrics
- Charts display most recent data for the selected metric, using data points for up to the six most recent dates that the test was performed.
Print options
- Print data tiles through select option next to individual profile name
- Print test charts through print button in View Test Data view