Print Options in VALD Hub

VALD Hub users can print summary data, to produce hard copy or PDF reports for an individual.

The following results can be printed for an individual:

To print Overview Metrics and Charts for an individual:

  1. Log in to VALD Hub
  2. Go to Profiles
  3. Select the required profile
  4. Click more options [ ] menu 
  5. Select Print 
  6. Select Print Options 
  7. Click Print

To Print Most Recent Metrics for an individual:

  1. Log in to VALD Hub
  2. Go to Profiles
  3. Select the required profile
  4. Select Most Recent tab
  5. Click more options [  ] menu 
  6. Select Print 

To print Most Recent Charts for an individual:

  1. Log in to VALD Hub
  2. Go to Profiles
  3. Select the required profile
  4. Select Most Recent tab
  5. Select the required test or dates
  6. Click View Test Chart
  7. Click Print