Category and Group Management in VALD Hub

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Note: Users must be assigned Manage Categories and Groups user permission to access Categories and Group Management pages.

To create a Category:

  1. Log in to VALD Hub
  2. Go to Management
  3. Select Categories tab
  4. Click + Create Category
  5. Input Category name
  6. Click Save

To create a Group:

(At least one Category must be created, before Groups can be created.)

  1. Go to Management
  2. Select Groups tab
  3. Click + Create Group
  4. Input Group name
  5. Select related Category from drop down
  6. Click Save

To add Profiles to a Group:

  1. Go to Management
  2. Select Groups tab
  3. Select the relevant Group
  4. Click + Add Profiles
  5. Add Profile(s) to Group
  6. Click Save

To view Profiles in a Group:

  1. Go to Management
  2. Select Groups tab
  3. Select the relevant Group

To move or remove Profiles from a Group:

  1. Go to Management
  2. Select Groups tab
  3. Select the relevant Group
  4. Select the relevant Profiles
  5. Click Move selected or Remove selected
  6. Click Save or Yes to remove from the Group