HumanTrak Default AutoTrainer Exercise Plans

The HumanTrak AutoTrainer Feature includes the following default exercise plans.

Upper Body Lower Body Balance Spine/Neck
Bent Over Row Bilateral Calf Raise Centre of Mass Trainer Cervical Extension
Shoulder Abduction Bilateral Calf Raise on Step Semi-Tandem Stand Cervical Flexion
Shoulder Abduction / Adduction Overhead Squat
Single Leg Stand Cervical Flexion / Extension
Shoulder Extension Single Leg Body Hinge
Star Balance Trainer Cervical Retraction
Shoulder External Rotation (Neutral) Single Leg Squat
Tandem Stand
Shoulder Flexion Sit to Stand

Shoulder Flexion / Extension Squat

Standing Bilateral Overhead Press Standing Hip Abduction
Unilateral Calf Raise
Unilateral Calf Raise on Step
Seated Unilateral Calf Raise
Seated Bilateral Calf Raise