Single sign-on support for ForceDecks using Vald HUB credentials
First stage of ForceDecks integration into Hub
Vald Hub
Team Admin
Global Administrator
Group Admin
Analysis or Athlete Admin or Coach or Supervisor or Tester
Assigned groups = athletes visible to user on Hub
Permissions = athletes able to view, manage and edit on ForceDecks App
Welcome Email
Regardless of which platform you use to create a new user they will receive the same welcome email. Once a password is set; the login credentials can then be utilized across both platforms.
VALD HUB | Team Admin(s)
Team Admins created on Hub automatically map to a ForceDecks’ global administrator role. Their login credentials will work across both products including the ForceDecks server. For both products they can view, edit, and delete all athletes within the team and have administrative permissions.
VALD HUB | Group Admin(s)
Group Admins created on VALD Hub will have credentials that work across platforms. They do not currently map to ForceDecks with default permissions. When first created in Hub they will be able to login into the ForceDecks application with the same credentials but will not have any athlete permissions. Athlete permissions can be set and edited via the ForceDecks server.
On the ForceDecks server Global Administrators’ will appear bolded whilst all other roles will not be bold.
FORCEDECKS | Create New User
When a new account is created via the ForceDecks Server it will default to a having Group Admin permissions in VALD Hub. When first created a user will not have a role; and will therefore not have any athlete permissions. These can be set and then edited via ForceDecks server
If users are given a Global Administrator role, they will be upgraded to having Team Admin permissions on Hub.
FORCEDECKS | Create New Team
You can no longer create a new team from ForceDecks. Rather you can only choose an existing Hub team and link them with ForceDecks
All existing ForceDecks teams have had linked Hub teams automatically created for them.
FORCEDECKS | Multi-Team Login
Users with multi-team access can now access all their teams from the Credentials page on ForceDecks